The Pendleton Studio

Our hands craft your most prized art.

Keep Up with TPS

Markets and Events

Playful Mugs

We make mugs that you will want to keep for yourself. We hold our mugs close to us in the morning or night. We build a connection with each of our mugs and with you over our mugs.

Unique Platters

Serve up your meat and cheese in style with our platters! We have been creating these beauties and can't seem to keep them on the shelves. Look for your next party dish at our next event!

Large Colorful Planters

We have an abundance of plants in our home, which is the main reason we took up pottery. We wanted to create our own stylish planters for our beautiful plants. We then started to become apart of our plant community and we are thankful for all of our connections.


Our dish ware is inspired by our community and travels, we like to try new methods that create different effects.